Marhuma Hajiani Zainbunissa binte Khan Mohamedbhai Ladiwala 

إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ

It is with sadness that we inform you of the demise of Marhuma Hajiani Zainbunissa binte Khan Mohamedbhai Ladiwala who passed away and was buried on Friday, January 31st, 2025, in India.

Marhuma was the wife of Shaukatali Sherali Manekia.

Marhuma was the mother of Sohel &, Rahil Manekia, Shama Nathani and Reshma Japanwala.

Marhuma was the grandmother of Alisha Vakil (Dubai), Aun & Muhammad Japanwala (Toronto), Sarah, Saher, Anam & Zoya Manekia and Zoheb Nathani.

May Almighty Allah (swt) rest the Marhuma’s departed soul in eternal peace in Jannah and give the family the fortitude to bear this monumental loss – Ameen.

Surah Al-Fateha is requested for Marhuma Hajiani Zainbunissa binte Khan Mohamedbhai Ladiwala and all other Marhumeen.

NASIMCO Secretariat