CIL Journey of Self-Discovery Retreat

Organized by Centre of Islamic Learning (CIL) for all the Teachers, Staff and their families under the Madaris of North America, aged 21 and above.

“Embrace Your Inner Light, Explore Your True Self”

I understand that the retreat is from 6pm on Friday September 13th to 2pm on Sunday September 15th .

Payment is based on the complete retreat attendance including transportation.

Due to the structure of the retreat, any edits to the attendance will not be monetarily compensated, and neither will transportation be provided for off scheduled attendance.

I understand that my registration will be completed only upon payment, and that my confirmation will be sent to my email.

Payment of CAN $200 to be e-transferred to:
[email protected] for Canadian participants
In the Comments section, please include your name.

Journey of Self-Discovery Retreat – Registration Form

"*" indicates required fields

What position do you hold? Select all those that apply.*

Medical information

Will you be joining us on the Bus from JCC or coming in a Personal car? This information is required for planning, as well as parking allocation at the Venue.
Will you need to park your car at JCC parking lot for the duration of the retreat?
I consent to being included in the pics and videos taken at the retreat that can be used in CIL social media.*

Order Summary