Marhum Mohamed Rajabali Zaver

إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ

Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajeoon

It is with sadness that we inform you of the demise of Mohamed Rajabali Zaver who passed away this morning in Dar es Salaam and will be buried today Monday, May 04th, 2020 in Dar es Salaam.

Marhum was the brother of Masuma Bandali (Dar es Salaam), Marhuma Kaniz Manji, Fatma Raval (Arusha) Zainab Kalyan (Orlando) Muslim Zaver (Dar es Salaam), Razia Sajjad (Dar es Salaam), Shamila Zaver (Dar es Salaam) and Anar M Dewji (Dar es Salaam).

He was also the uncle (Mama) of Sabira Jessa (Toronto), Munira Akber Karim (Orlando) and Fatimah Dewji Jessa (Toronto).

Message of Condolence to;

The Secretariat conveys its sympathies and heartfelt condolences to the family.

We pray to Allah (SWT) to grant the Marhum maghferat and place his soul amongst the blessed ones in the vicinity of Chaharada Masumeen (AS) and who continuously receives mercy and grace of Allah (SWT) – Ameen.

A request for Sura-e-Fateha for him and all other Marhumeen.

NASIMCO Secretariat.