Marhum Shoukatali Khalfan

إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ

Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajeoon

We regret to inform you of the sad demise of Marhum Shoukatali Khalfan who passed away today Monday, November. 11th in New York, USA and the burial will be held today in NY.

TMarhum was the husband of Sister Riffat Khalfan, Father of Mazher, Mikhail, Siraj, Mehnaz and Alia Khalfan.

He was also the brother of Sikander, Safder, Amir, Sajjad, Riyaz, Zahida Hirji, Marhuma Nargis Khalfan and Marhum Mushtaq Khalfan.

Namaz-e-Mayyit will be held in Woodside at 1:00 pm today followed by the funeral at Washington Memorial Park.

Mo’mineen are requested to remember Marhum with Sura-e-Fateha and Namaz Hadya-e-Mayyit.

Messages of condolence can be sent to

Information provided by: Arif Jacksi

The Secretariat conveys its sympathies and heartfelt condolences to the family.

We pray to Allah (SWT) to grant Marhum maghferat and place his soul amongst the blessed ones in the vicinity of Chaharada Masumeen (AS) and who continuously receives mercy and grace of Allah (SWT) – Ameen.

A request for Sura-e-Fateha for his and all other Marhumeen.

NASIMCO Secretariat