Marhuma Lailabai Haider Turabi

إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ

With sadness, we share the news of the demise of Marhuma Lailabai Haider Turabi, who passed away in Karachi, Pakistan on Sunday, November 19, 2023, and was buried there on the same day.

Marhuma was the wife of Marhum Haider Turabi, mother of Umme Salama binte Haider Turabi Meghjee, Jawad Haider Turabi (Pakistan), Mohsin Haider Turabi (Pakistan), Fatim binte Haider Turabi (Pakistan), Muntazir Haider Turabi (Pakistan), Shagufta binte Haider Turabi (Pakistan), Shaista binte Haider Turabi (Pakistan).

Marhuma was also the sister of Marhum Asgherali Rajani, Marhum Akber Rajani, Marhuma Raziya binte Jafferali Abdulhameed Kareem, Shabbir Rajani, Hasnain Rajani (Dubai), Rozmin Moloo (Dubai), Shireen Gulamhussein (Dar es Salaam), Tahera Esmail (Dar es Salaam), Batul Mawji (London). Marhuma was the sister-in-law and cousin of Maulana Anverali (New York).

Marhuma was the aunt of Habeeba Jacksi (New York), Hussein Akberali (Orlando), Shazia Yusufali (Orlando), Aunt of Nashat Jafferali (Pennsylvania), Nabeel Jafferali (Toronto) and Zahra Jafferali (Toronto).

The Secretariat conveys its sympathies and heartfelt condolences to the family.

May Almighty Allah (swt) rest the Marhuma’s departed soul in eternal peace in Jannah and give the family the fortitude to bear this monumental loss – Ameen.

Surah Al-Fateha is requested for Marhuma Lailabai Haider Turabi and all other Marhumeen.

NASIMCO Secretariat