إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajeoon
It is with sadness we inform you of the sad demise of Marhuma Sherbanu Mustafa Jaffer who passed away in Orlando, Florida on Wednesday, February 16, 2022. Burial details are being finalized in Orlando.
Marhuma wife of Marhum Mustafa Jaffer. She was the mother of Sukaina Hajee (New York), Sajida Mamdani (New York), Fatima Jessa (Orlando), Gulamabbas Jaffer (Orlando), Mohamed Taki Jaffer (Florida) and Sadique Jaffer (Florida).
Information provided by Gulam Fazel
Messages of condolences can be sent to jaffersn@yahoo.com
The Secretariat conveys its sympathies and heartfelt condolences to the family.
May Almighty Allah (swt) rest the Marhuma’s departed soul in eternal peace in Jannah and give the family the fortitude to bear this monumental loss – Ameen.
Surah Al-Fateha is requested for Marhuma Sherbanu Mustafa Jaffer and all other Marhumeen.
NASIMCO Secretariat.