Moonsighting Report (Jamadi Al-Aakher 1441 AH)

NASIMCO wishes to inform the community that there were verified sightings of the crescent moon by the naked eye in Orlando, Florida, and Phoenix, Arizona, during the sunset of Saturday, January 25th, 2020. Therefore, the first day of the month of Jumada al-Akhira, 1441 A.H.,  according to the  multiple horizons opinion, will be on:
Sunday, January 26th, 2020  for Jamaat(s) – Miami (FL), Orlando (FL), Austin (TX), LA (CA), 
Monday, January 27th, 2020  for the rest of North America.
We ask Allah, the Most High, for success in performing good deeds and hasten the Return of Our Master, Imam Mahdi (AJTF).
The declaration for the 1st of the month is made by NASIMCO from sighting reports received from member Jamaats and with guidance from the resident Alim of Toronto Jamaat, Mawlana Syed Muhammad Rizvi.
To learn about our basis for determining the beginning of lunar months and the theory about the unity of horizons,  click here
Important Dates of the Month for Miami, Orlando, Austin and Los Angeles
Tuesday January 28, 2010: Wafaat of Sayyida Fatima (A)
Friday February 14, 2020: Birth of Sayyida Fatima (A)
Important Dates of the Month for Rest of North America
Wednesday January 29, 2010: Wafaat of Sayyida Fatima (A)
Saturday February 15, 2020: Birth of Sayyida Fatima (A)
Special A’amal for the 1st day of every Islamic month, for your and family’s safety & security for the whole month as recommended by our 5th Imam Mohammad Baqir (AS):
1. Two Rak’ah Salaat:
(In the first rak’ah after Suratul Hamd recite 30 times Surah of Tawheed and in the second rak’ah after al-Hamd recite 30 times Suratul Qadr.)
2. Ask your Hajaats.
3. Give in Charity (sadaqh)