
Service To Humanity

NASIMCO’s mission is to harness talents and resources available in member communities for the greater good of global humanity and our communities.

NASIMCO strives to be a leader in worldwide aid deployment. We do this by creating a meaningful and mutually beneficial collaboration of existing network and resources.

We work hard to develop streamlined processes and procedures which will allow efficiencies of scale and scope.

Our Local
Relief Efforts.

Chaplaincy Services

Providing Muslim Patient Spiritual guidance through Chaplaincy Services in the Greater Vancouver Area.

Financial Support

Member Jamaats received support for various repairs, renovations and Madressah expenses.

Refugee Support

Support towards a local refugee families.

Our Global
Relief Efforts.

Ramadhan Relief

Helped struggling families by providing them with staple food rations to make the Holy month of Ramadhan a little easier. NASIMCO has distributed 575 food Iftar baskets at an average cost of $65 per food basket.

Cholera Medicine Project

Four government-run health clinics were supported with cholera treatment supplies such as medication, medical supplies and tests, equipment and tools, hygiene and cleaning materials, chlorine, and disinfectants.

Winterization Campaign

551,788, assisted individuals (121,437 families), including high thermal blankets, additional plastic sheets, sleeping bags, winter jackets and winter clothing kits.

Orphan Sponsorship

The monthly financial support received by each eligible child is life changing. With a minimum of $100 per month, the basic needs of the child can be looked after and they are brought above the poverty line. With our global partners NASIMCO has helped over 615 orphans.

Qurbani Campaigns

NASIMCO has carried out 2,676 Eid Qurbani distributions. Freshly distributed meat is purchased from local vendors in order to benefit the local economy. Each meat package distributed is good enough to provide a family of four with meals for a week.

Water Campaign

NASIMCO has enabled the gateway for the distribution of clean and fresh water supply to the most dyer areas of the globe. Working through local charities, we have managed to build water hand pumps to help provide the basic need of life.

Current appeals

Join our Mission to serve humanity