Title: Unlocking Potential through Self-Compassion
Format: A four-week virtual program
Dates: Tuesday Evenings 8-10 PM EST starting January 21, 2025 for four weeks
Tuesday January 21st at 8pm (EST)
Tuesday January 28th at 8pm (EST)
Tuesday February 4th at 8pm (EST)
Tuesday February 11th at 8pm (EST)
- Learn how to deal effectively with our emotions
- Explore the skills to increase our emotional awareness
- Practice skills to deal with stress and overwhelm
- Move from tolerating to respecting ourselves
- Train to manage our emotions, speech, and actions
Cost: $45 CAD
Facilitator: Mohamed Dewji
Registration below:
LDP Masterclass in January 2025
Please fill out the following registration form to confirm your attendance for this year’s first Masterclass!
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